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Drive Safe Sedgwick

Originally established by the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) and Kansas Drive to Zero, Drive Safe Sedgwick is now facilitated by the Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (WAMPO) and is one of many smaller entities under the umbrella of ICT Safe: A Regional Transportation Coalition.


The Drive Safe Sedgwick Coalition meets quarterly to discuss and address transportation safety concerns in Sedgwick County, KS. Email for more information.

2024 Drive Safe Sedgwick Meeting Agendas

Check back here for meeting information and updates.

About Drive Safe Sedgwick

The Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), together with Sedgwick County safety advocates and law enforcement, launched the public safety campaign "Drive Safe Sedgwick" in the summer of 2022. Sedgwick County has had a dramatic increase in driving fatalities over the last few years; dozens of sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts and cherished loved ones have died prematurely on our roads because of preventable car crashes. Drive Safe Sedgwick is committed to changing this by starting a dialogue about safe driving. 


Hosted by the Kansas Drive to Zero (traffic deaths) Coalition, the Drive Safe Sedgwick website emphasizes seat belt use among all passengers, not driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol not texting/being distracted and obeying speed limits.


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